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The Read Well Podcast

3 Book Clubs You'll Love

Read Slowly - Take Notes - Apply the Ideas

3 Book Clubs You'll Love

Hey friends!

Joining a book club is the best way (in my opinion) to build better reading habits. Below, you'll find 3 clubs that can help you reach your reading goals.

Each one meets the following criteria:

  • Supports open and equal conversation
  • Accessible online (Easy to attend)
  • Archived meetings for later viewing
  • Good ratings and testimonials
  • Cancel anytime
  • $25 a month or less in cost

“Nothing sustains motivation better than belonging to the tribe. It transforms a personal quest into a shared one. Previously, you were on your own. Your identity was singular. You are a reader. You are a musician. You are an athlete. When you join a book club or a band or a cycling group, your identity becomes linked to those around you. Growth and change is no longer an individual pursuit. We are readers. We are musicians. We are cyclists. The shared identity begins to reinforce your personal identity. This is why remaining part of a group after achieving a goal is crucial to maintaining your habits. It’s friendship and community that embed a new identity and help behaviors last over the long run” (Clear 118).

Here Are the 3 Book Clubs:

  1. 🧚🏻‍♀️ Enchanted Book Club: Run by Haley Solano, this group focuses on literary heroines and the authors who wrote them. Selections include Little Women, Charing Cross Road, and China Court. Cost is $15 a month at She works hard to provide additional events like author interview, etc.
  2. 🔎 Hardcore Literature: Led by Benjamin McEvoy, this club focuses on a wide range of classical works from Steinbeck to Danté Alighieri. Benjamin has a deep understanding and love for books and will inspire you to dig into some difficult works. He doesn’t shy away from a challenge, and that’s why I support him! Cost is $25 a month at
  3. 🧠 The Read Well Book Club: We focus on both fiction and non-fiction works with a philosophical framework. We’ve read books like Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, A.G. Setillanges’s The Intellectual Life, and Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic. The cost is $9 a month and we meet online in my private reading community. You can learn more at

Whatever club you choose, you’ll benefit from reading in a group. By tackling interesting books with friends, you gain 10X in understanding and enjoyment. I hope this helps in your pursuit as a reader.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.



Works Cited:

Clear, James. Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Avery, an imprint of Penguin Random House, 2018.

New This Week:

Book Recommendation

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Listen to the Podcast

Uncommon Reading Tips | Interview with Dr. Martin Jacobsen

3 Fascinating Ideas

From My Reading This Week

Master Class

The 30-Day Focused Reader Challenge

Book Recommendation

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits is one of the best selling books of all time, but why is that? I’ve read it twice now, and for me, the book earns its acclaim for one reason: it gets you working. Most of these “self-improvement” books are watered down versions of ideas, reincarnated from other self-help books with very little that the reader can apply.

I love this book. It’s covered in my handwriting, it’s been given to my children as birthday gifts, and I’ll probably read it a third time ( and maybe more).

This last week I summarized 14 of the best quotes and over 50 critical passages on my website. If you've been thinking of reading this one, or you already have and you want to remember the key points, my book notes from this week should be of some help.

Listen to The Podcast

Uncommon Tips for Better Reading

In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Martin Jacobsen, Associate Professor of English at West Texas A&M, to explore how a deeper understanding of linguistics can transform your reading skills. Dr. Jacobsen shares his method for diagramming important sentences and provides unconventional tips that promise to elevate your reading experience. If you're someone who enjoys unraveling the philosophy within texts and seeks to grasp challenging concepts with ease, this discussion will shed light on how syntax shapes meaning in profound ways.

📚 From My Reading This Week:

3 Fascinating Ideas

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." - James Clear, Atomic Habits

"As a matter of fact, Cephalus,' I said, 'I enjoy talking to very old men, for they have gone before us, as it were, on a road that we too may have to tread, and it seems to me that we should find out from them what it is like and whether it is rough and difficult or broad and easy." - Plato, The Republic

“Take Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment (1866), and its problematic main character, the human raincloud Raskolnikov, whose dilemma is a fictional battering of emotions which is recognized as true in the mind of the reader. As Raskolnikov wrestles with himself and his actions (he’s murdered two very unsavory people), we, the readers, are asked to contemplate what we would do, how we feel in response, and to analyze what we have perhaps taken for granted, all within an entirely imaginary world – a world that only presents itself as real because the story is set in a real place. Taking an imaginary scenario and using it to make a higher point, is what literature is about – not simple mimêsis as Plato suggests.” - Daniel Toré, Plato Vs. Literature (April/May 2024 issue of Philosophy Now)

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