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The Read Well Podcast

A Wall of Forgotten Books


A Wall of Forgotten Books

Hello Reader,

If you look at your bookshelf, do you see a wall of forgotten books? These might be books you’ve read and possibly even loved, but now you can’t remember what they were about. While you may be able to tell someone the general idea of a book, you struggle with the thought of teaching a 1-hour class on its concepts.

This happens a lot, and it’s OK. Step one as a reader is being kind to yourself. You’re not a supercomputer or Doogie Howser (I miss that show). What you are is a lifelong learner.

Look at the books again and see if there’s one that you’d like to refamiliarize yourself with. Ask yourself why you chose that book. Did it inspire you? Was it full of useful info that you promised to implement but never did?

Consider reading the book a second time, but this time, make notes as you go. And most importantly, as you read it, determine the one change you will make in your life based on what you relearn.

Until next week, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


New This Week:


Book Recommendation

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The Weekly Poll

What's Your Daily Reading Goal?

Listen to the Podcast

The Adult's Guide to Slowing Down and Reading Well

Update from the bookstore

The Grand Opening Party is Set for Oct 23rd!

Book Recommendation

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

We are getting ready to ready Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in book club! We are starting on Sept. 3rd. If you've always wanted to read this book, consider joining us!

Flow is all about getting into that state of mind where you are at your very best. Do you know what I'm taking about? It's that workflow where your brain is in the right lane, nothing can stop you, and the quality of your work is the best it has every been.

We've all felt a state of flow, the question this book seeks to answer is, "How do I purposefully get there?"

This Weekly Poll

What's Your Vote?

Listen to The Podcast

The Adult's Guide to Slowing Down and Reading Well

As adults, we’re constantly pulled in different directions—work, family, and responsibilities. But what if reading could be your way of reclaiming your attention? In this episode, I’ll talk about why reading as an adult is both challenging and rewarding, and share practical tips for slowing down and making the most of your reading time. Whether you’re struggling to find the time or the focus, this is an episode worth your attention.

Save Your Seat!

Join me for the grand launch of Edgewater Bookstore. I'll be streaming live, showcasing our curated selection of books, and giving away exclusive discount codes to use on launch day.

Edgewater Bookstore Countdown

Count down to 2024-10-24T01:00:00.000Z​


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