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The Read Well Podcast

Can You Really Read 1,000 Pages a Day? Let's Find Out!

Can You Really Read 1,000 Pages a Day?

Hello Reader,

Yesterday, I stumbled upon a YouTube video by a creator named SpoonFedStudy who claims to read 1,000 pages a day and retain everything. He even promises to teach viewers how to achieve this feat.

I have several concerns with this video and plan to address them in detail soon. For now, let’s consider some glaring issues:

  1. Incentives for Sensationalism: YouTube creators are financially motivated to sensationalize their claims. Each click and view translates to profit, creating an environment ripe for misinformation, propaganda, and impractical ideas.
  2. Competitive Absurdity: The quest for more followers pushes creators to outdo each other in a race to the bottom. This leads to increasingly ridiculous and unfounded claims.
  3. Culture of Comparison: Videos like this foster a culture of comparison. Reading has shifted from a means of genuine learning to a bragging right. It’s no longer about gaining knowledge but about eliciting the biggest reaction.

You know my stance on this. Reading is an art that requires a centered, focused, and committed mind. Imagine if Michelangelo had offered seminars on painting 1,000 Sistine Chapels in a day. We would reject the notion outright because we understand that true mastery, like reading an important book, takes time and dedication. There are no shortcuts to excellence.

Here’s a link to the video. Go check it out, and then reply to this email with your thoughts. I read every response. Let me know what you think. Oh, and if you’re tired of creator’s pushing impossible reading goals, check out my post called Fix Your Reading Brain.

Until next week, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


New This Week:

Essay Recommendation

Mortality by Christopher Hitchens

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Essay Recommendation

Mortality by Christopher Hitchens

This short essay will change how you live. Love him or leave him (I choose to love him), Christopher Hitchens was one of humanities most eloquent and critical thinkers. He debated world class intellectuals, inspired millions, and angered millions more on topics of religion, politics, and morality just to name a few. But that's not what this essay is about. You see, in June of 2010, Hitchens discovered that he had stage four cancer. This essay is a response to his oncoming death. At 93 pages, it will move you to see death in a new way, and encourage you to live well while you have it. Oh, and watch out for the Afterward by Carol Blue (His wife). Reading her words brought me to my knees.

If you're familiar with his work, then hearing his name will create a visceral reaction in your gut. Hitchens was that way. Whether you agreed with him or not, this essay is worth reading, because, dear reader, one day you will die and that is something we all have in common.

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Good Books vs. Great Books

In this week's episode, I sit down with Dr. Martin Jacobsen to explore what elevates a book from good to great. We discuss how the best authors infuse every sentence with purpose beyond mere entertainment, aiming to provoke thought and convey deeper truths. Join us to uncover the layers of meaning and the craft behind writing that resonates across generations.

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As Always, Read Slowly - Take Notes - Apply the Ideas.


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