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The Read Well Podcast

Get in a State of "Flow" With This Book


Get Into a State of "Flow" with This Book

Hello Reader,

We’ve been looking forward to this one in the book club for a while! We’ve just started reading Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. It’s the go-to book on achieving a state of flow—the mindset where you’re at your best, and everything just clicks.

You can reach this state no matter what you’re doing. Whether you’re launching a new bookstore (like me at, going to school, raising a child, or writing an essay on Plato, Flow can help you maximize your focus and results.

Want to join us? Head over to our book club page at

We’re reading 10 pages a day, and we just started yesterday—so it’s the perfect time to jump in!

A quick challenge for this book: Take your time and reflect on what you’re reading. It’s easy to feel inspired but not take action. I’ve asked everyone in the book club to keep a journal while reading, so we can all spend a few minutes each day thinking about how to apply the lessons from Flow to our lives.

Until next week, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


New This Week:


Book Recommendation

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The Weekly Poll

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The 9 Goblins Ruining Your Books | EP 65

Update from the bookstore

The Books Are Arriving

Book Recommendation

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

I'm keeping this book front and center for the second week in a row. Yes, I recommended it last week, but I'm hoping that with a second reminder, the readers in our community will have a chance to get in on this book and join us for book club.

The book is 240 pages long and reads well. It's backed by a fantastic amount of research and is a great gift for anyone looking to get into a state of flow. I love this book so much, that it will be one of the first 17 books available at Edgewater, but since I don't open until Oct 23, that makes it tricky if you want to join us for book club.

Here's a link to get it on Amazon in the meantime.

This Weekly Poll

What's Your Vote?

Listen to The Podcast

The 9 Goblins Ruining Your Books | EP 65

In this Halloween-themed episode, I’m talking about the 9 goblins that haunt every reader. Whether it’s the voice of self-criticism or the shadow of doubt, these goblins can turn a simple reading session into a struggle. I’ll share strategies to banish these goblins and help you reclaim the pleasure of reading.

Update on Edgewater

The books are starting to arrive! I've chosen 17 titles as the initial curated collection of Edgewater. Each book will have an optional video lecture and custom notebook for readers who want to take their study even deeper.

Edgewater Bookstore Countdown

Count down to 2024-10-24T00:00:00.000Z​


A Curated Experience for Discerning Readers

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