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The Read Well Podcast

How to Read a Lot of Books


How to Read Lots of Books

Hello Reader,

Last night, my wife said, “I don’t understand how you get through books so quickly.”

Here’s the secret: I spend a lot of time with my books.

I’m not a speed reader. You should know this by now. In fact, I’m the exact opposite. I read slowly on purpose so I can hear the conversations and connect with the ideas.

If you want to read a lot of books during your lifetime, the only way to do it is to sit down and open the book. Stop looking at your phone and thinking about your to-do lists. Everyone is so busy looking for the secrets to being a good reader, that they’re missing the point. There are no hacks you can learn on YouTube that will help you consume more books this year.

The only trick I know of that works is to read.

Until next week, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


New This Week:


Book Recommendation

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

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Book Recommendation

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

"Meditations" is often discussed in philosophical circles, but there's a twist I'd like to add to the conversation: the translation you choose matters. My top recommendation is the Robin Waterfield translation from Basic Books. This edition is enriched with annotations that provide essential background knowledge, bringing Marcus Aurelius's thoughts to life with greater clarity and depth. If you want to truly understand the context behind the Roman Emperor's writings, this edition is invaluable. My book club is currently reading this version, and we're finding it incredibly insightful and engaging. I believe you will too.

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Sure Signs You're a Book Nerd

In this week’s show, we’re diving into the world of book nerds—those of us who live and breathe literature. If you’re passionate about thoughtful and classic works like Dostoyevsky, Thoreau, and other profound authors, this episode is for you. We'll explore the telltale signs of a true book ned and celebrate the habits that make us unique.

From maintaining a dedicated reading routine to cherishing physical books, find out if you fit the profile of a book nerd. Embrace your love for books and join our community of like-minded readers.

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