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The Read Well Podcast

The #1 Benefit of Reading Books


The #1 Benefit of Reading Books

Hello Reader,

I might be off here, but being able to control where my attention goes feels like the greatest benefit of reading books. All day long, people and businesses are fighting to occupy my mental space. There are ads everywhere, emails piling up, and my kids calling “Dad” all day long. Don’t get me wrong—I love being a dad, and I would do anything for my kids, but they sure do soak up a lot of mental energy.

I think that’s why so many people wish they could get back into reading. They’re tired of feeling mentally out of control, and the idea of standing in front of a bookshelf and asking, “What do I want to think about?” is refreshing.

So, let me ask you a very important question for today: What do you want to think about? I bet there’s a really good book on the subject.

Until next week, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


New This Week:


Book Recommendation

Mastery by Robert Greene

Listen to the Podcast

Conquer Your Journal Anxiety | EP62

Update from the bookstore

Handmade (by me) Reading Notes & Bookmarks

Book Recommendation

Mastery by Robert Greene

I've mentioned Mastery on the podcast several times because it’s one of those rare books that can fundamentally shift how you approach your passions. Whether you want to be a better writer, singer, or mathematician, this book will challenge your perception of what it takes to excel. Most of us strive to be good at something, but few of us ever reach the level of mastery. Robert Greene's Mastery argues that the difference isn’t in talent, wealth, or luck—it’s in the willingness to commit fully, to embrace the often difficult and solitary path of true mastery. What I find most powerful about this book is how it gave me the courage to deeply commit to my own passions in writing and literature, striving for mastery in a way that’s both inspiring and attainable. If you’re ready to move beyond being merely good at something and aim for mastery, this book is a must-read.

Listen to The Podcast

Conquer Your Journal Anxiety | EP 62

In this episode, I'll explore why so many of us feel anxious when faced with a new journal. We'll discuss the common reasons behind this anxiety and share practical tips on how to overcome it. By the end, you'll see that this feeling is perfectly normal and learn ways to make your journaling experience more enjoyable and productive.


🎉 The podcast has over 11,000 listens every month! Thank you for being a part of this community and supporting me. I appreciate you.


Handmade (by me) Reading Notes & Bookmarks

This week I designed, proofed, and printed some of the custom bookmarks and notebooks I'll have available at Edgewater.



Edgewater Bookstore Countdown


Count down to 2024-10-24T00:00:00.000Z​

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See you next week!


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The Read Well Podcast

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