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đź‘‹ Why You Should Read Philosophy


Why You Should Read Philosophy for Fun

Hello Reader,

Let me start by saying that philosophy is incredibly fun to read. For all you haters out there who think that philosophy is just a bunch of windbags pontificating about the impossible, well, you’re partly right. There’s a lot of pontification on questions that have no answers, but that’s not the point.

Let’s get to the point.

In “A Gentleman in Moscow,” Count Rostov, the protagonist of Amor Towles's incredible novel says, “It’s a fact of human life that one must eventually choose a philosophy.” He says, “Whether through careful consideration spawned by books and spirited debate over coffee at two in the morning, or simply from a natural proclivity, we must all eventually adopt a framework…”

Even if you believe the universe is irrational and meaningless, you’re still a part of a framework of thinking – in this case, it would be Absurdism, a philosophy symbolized by the image of Sisyphus left to push a boulder up a hill for the rest of eternity. And, if you were in this camp, I would direct you to read Albert Camus.

Consider going to the bookstore this week and looking through the philosophy section. See what you find there, and if anything sticks out.

You might be drawn to books about Metaphysics and the purpose of life. Is there a God? What does it mean to "be?" Or perhaps the books on logic look more m to you. Maybe you’re a nature person and Thoreau looks interesting (no pun intended, but the guy did have an interesting look). Or, maybe you’re into the origin of right and wrong and you want to swashbuckle with Nietzsche, Kant, and Aristotle.

Whatever floats your boat, you’ve got questions in that head of yours and there are some great books that explore them.

Feel free to reply to this email and let me know what you found. I’d love to chat about it.

Until next week, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


New This Week:


Book Recommendation

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

Listen to the Podcast

Unlock the Secret to 5 Hours of Focused Reading | EP 68

Update from the bookstore

I'm busy recording book lectures

Book Recommendation

A Gentleman in Moscow

I don't know about you, but I love hotels. There's something about them that feels like stepping into a storybook, especially the historical ones with lots of rooms, a grand entry, and a fancy restaurant.

I'm a bit late to the game with this book recommendation, but I’m making it anyway. Amor Towles' incredible A Gentleman in Moscow gives you that same feeling of being swept up in the perfect hotel.

Normally, I recommend books with a philosophical angle. This one doesn’t quite fit that mold, but it does offer an incredible lesson: no matter your circumstances, you can build beautiful relationships and live your life well.

Amor’s writing is gentle and intellectual, with prose that feels like velvet—without the haughtiness. He’s a joy to read. I’ve linked a great speech he gave about the book below.

Happy reading!

Listen to The Podcast

Unlock the Secret to 5 Hours of Focused Reading | EP 68

Ever wonder how to stay completely absorbed in a book for hours? Last week, a guy on a plane asked me just that—and today, I’m sharing my answer. Discover practical tips for reading longer with focus and enjoyment, plus an exciting community update and a must-read book recommendation you won’t want to miss.

Update on Edgewater

I've been recording lectures for each of the books I will have for sale at Edgewater! If you want to dig deep into a book, these lectures should help.

Edgewater Bookstore Countdown

Count down to 2024-10-24T00:00:00.000Z​


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