
The Read Well Podcast

Subscribe to my newsletter for tips on close reading, detailed note-taking, and applying bookish wisdom to your life. I talk about fiction and non-fiction, interview literary experts, and host The Read Well Podcast. Subscribe today and build better reading habits.

Shakespeare’s Secret for Better Reading

Shakespeare and His Reading Secret 🤫 Hello Reader, I’m in a university class called “Studies in Shakespeare,” and we just finished Henry V. At the beginning of this play, Shakespeare teaches us how to make every book we read 1,000% better. Before I share his tip, I need to set the stage (pun intended) by briefly describing Henry V. Setting The Stage Henry V is one of Shakespeare’s “War Plays” where he chronicles the adventures (and possible misadventures) of English conquest. In Henry V, we...
How to Live by Sarah Bakewell

🤔 Do You Forget Books? Try This When You Read.

Remember What You Read Hello Reader, When you look at your home library, do you see books that you’ve read, loved, and COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN? I’m talking about the life-changing books that filled you with ideas and are now collecting dust on your shelf. What happened? When I forget books, it’s because I stayed at level 1 of reading comprehension – a barren place I call “Base camp.” 🏕️ READING LEVEL 1: BASE CAMP When I was 12, my best friend decided we would climb a mountain behind his house. I...
How to Live by Sarah Bakewell

When Reading FEELS Overwhelming

When Reading Feels Like a Chore Hello Reader, Sometimes I don’t feel good about myself as a reader. Little thoughts slither into my brain and destroy my motivation. I want to talk about these thoughts today because they’re normal and many of you feel them as well. Last week, I got an email from a community member in a reading slump. This person’s email had the following statements: My reading practice has unraveled. I got too far behind. I don’t want to add to my schedule. Another reader sent...
Deep Work by Cal Newport

5 Tips to Read More Books

How to Read More Books Hello Reader, Before we learn how to read more books, let’s chat about the ridiculousness of today’s image. I had ChatGPT create a picture based on my article below. The genius robots drew a woman in a chair. Notice how she and the side table are blocking the front door. Perhaps the best way to read more books (according to AI) is to lock yourself in your home and barricade the door. 🚪😂 Anyway, let’s get started. --- THE CHALLENGE: If you want to read more books, you...
Deep Work by Cal Newport

Stop Binging on Junk Media: Feed Your Brain

Feed Your Brain with Better Books Hello Reader, I need to lose 10 pounds (mostly around the belly) and the process of dieting has taught me something interesting about reading deeply. I know what you’re thinking…that I pull these reading thoughts from strange places, but I promise this will help improve your deep reading sessions. Keep reading. Ok, back to the diet. I tried eating less food. That makes sense, right? WRONG. By cutting down on calories, I get ravenous halfway through the day...
Euthyphro by Plato

Improve Your Focus ( 90-Day Experiment)

Try a 90-Day Focus Experiment Hello Reader, Improving focus seems to be a major theme around here. 90 days ago, I lost my AirPod case and thought it was the end of the world. 🫨 I’m the kind of guy who loves filling every possible second with interesting information. My AirPods gave me a way to always learn with audiobooks or YouTube videos playing in my ear. When I couldn’t find the case, I immediately searched for a replacement so that I could charge my Airpods. And then, for some reason, I...
Deep Work by Cal Newport

Live Deliberately (As a Reader) in 2025🎉

Live Deliberately (As a Reader) in 2025 Hello Reader, This week's post is rosy-eyed and overly optimistic. If you would rather be in a bad mood, then skip this one. Call me romantic or even naive, but I love a fresh start, so the New Year is my favorite holiday. I giggle (Yes, giggle) over the prospect of designing the next 12 months of life. 🌲When Thoreau went to live at Walden Pond, he wrote “Every man (and woman) is tasked to make his life, even in its details, worthy of the contemplation...
Understanding Knowledge by Dr. Michael Huemer

Battle Your Brain Rot with Hard Books

📚 Read Slowly - Take Notes - Apply the Ideas Battle Your Brain Rot with HARD Books Hello Reader, Have you come across the term “Brainrot” yet? It comes from our lifestyle of busy living, screen swiping, and “working in a state of semi-distraction” (Newport 43). 📥 We’re swamped with shallow work, the kind of tasks that do little to feed the growth of our brains. We spend most of the day checking email (shallow), multi-tasking (shallow), and moving too quickly (you guessed it – shallow). 🧑🏫 We...
The Republic by Plato

Create a FOCUS Routine

📚 Read Slowly - Take Notes - Apply the Ideas Create a FOCUS Routine Hello Reader, The most common remark I hear in our reading community is, “I can’t focus.” If you feel the same, let’s do a quick mental exercise. Consider the fact that your focus is a skill you need to develop. Focus is not something you have, it’s something that you earn. Think of it like learning to play the piano. If that’s the case, and it is, then you can improve your focus if you establish a focus routine. How do you...
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

Do You Need More Time to Read?

📚 Read Slowly - Take Notes - Apply the Ideas Do You Need More Time to Read? Hello Reader, There’s never enough time to read. That’s the point. Reading is an activity of expansion. It adds to your life and makes it better, rather than something that must be done to avoid pain. It falls into the category of “should” tasks. 🏋🏽♀️ I should go to the gym. 📞 I should call my mother. 📚 I should read a book. We intend to do things that are good for us, but we often put those things on the back burner....

Subscribe to my newsletter for tips on close reading, detailed note-taking, and applying bookish wisdom to your life. I talk about fiction and non-fiction, interview literary experts, and host The Read Well Podcast. Subscribe today and build better reading habits.